to Sep 9

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Sustainability Committee-Habic Cluster Joint Event:Sustainable and Technological Solutions
6:00 PM18:00

Sustainability Committee-Habic Cluster Joint Event:Sustainable and Technological Solutions


1st Speaker

Mr Tan Szue Hann (Chair of Sustainability Committee)

The main functional goal of the new NUS School of Design & Environment (SDE) building is energy efficiency and it will be served as the hub for integrating education from design to implementation and fostering industry and international collaborations through test-bedding and developing relevant green building technology.2nd Speaker
Mr Kuan Chee Yung (Advisor of Sustainability Committee)  Biophilic design is the concept of incorporating nature with our built environment for the well-being of society. It is one of the hottest design trends presently, with people being excited to live and work in these spaces, while consultants are given an opportunity to integrate their creativity and passion with nature. At the same time, there is a significant amount of misinformation floating around about the term. Biophilic design is also often confused with “green” or “eco-conscious” design.The speaker will provide some clarity: what ‘biophilic design’ is (and isn’t), its roots as well as the reasons why its popularity has surged in recent years.

3rd Speaker
Prof. Xabier Barrutieta, Founder and CEO, Barru Arkitektura S.L.P.

Topic: Sustainable and Technological Solutions for an Innovative Nzeb Research Campus: The Orona Ideo Case

During this talk, the professor Xabier Barrutieta will explain different solutions related to the achievement of the highest sustainability standards such as Breeam and Leed. Based on the experience of the development of the Orona Ideo center, an innovative campus where research centers, university and industry have merged in order to tackle future challenges, the speaker will explain the process and election criteria that every architect should take into account on this kind of projects. This development has been one of the biggest projects in Spain certified in Leed Gold and Breeam excellent at the same time and has applied innovative solutions according to structural system and renewable energy generation.


(1)   Mr Tan Szue Hann, Surbana Jurong Infrastructure Pte Ltd 

Tan Szue Hann is Singapore’s 2015 BCA-SGBC Young Green Architect of the Year, and is Head of Sustainability and Principal Architect at Surbana Jurong, Singapore, where he leads the organisation’s efforts in Sustainability across master plans, buildings and strategic pursuits. He is a Registered Architect, SIA Council Member, and Chairman of the SIA Sustainability Committee. His current work focuses on sustainable and smart buildings and cities, including the recently-completed BCA SkyLab as Architect, and in sustainability framework planning for developers in Singapore. He was also appointed a 2016 World Cities Summit Young Leader.

(2)   Mr Kuan Chee Yung, CPG Consultants Pte Ltd

Kuan Chee Yung is Singapore’s 2017 BCA-SGBC Green Architect of the Year, and is Senior Vice President (Architecture) at CPG Consultants Pte Ltd. He has been SIA council member since 2012 to present and Co-Chairs the SIA Education Thrust. His Projects like Solaris@OneNorth has received BCIASIA AWARDS 2015, LEAF Awards 2014 (Outstanding), SIA Architectural Design Awards 2011 (Honourable Mention), PAM Awards 2011 (Gold), Green Good Design Awards 2010, BCA Green Mark Awards 2010 (Platinum), SIA-NParks Skyrise Greenery Awards 2009, RIBA International Design Award 2012, CTBUH 2012. He has presented papers at the International IQPC Facade Conference 2011 & for the Malaysia Institute of Planners World Planning Day 2016.

(3) Prof. Xabier Barrutieta, Barru Arkitektura S.L.P.

Xabier Barrutieta (1978) is an Architect graduated with honors at the Architecture High School the Basque Country, and also studied in the University of Stuttgart (Germany) and the University of Mendrisio (Switzerland). He worked as a university teacher of graduate and master degree students in the field of Project Design and Sustainability and has been researching in several projects related with sustainable construction and urban design. He also worked for the Basque Regional Spatial Planning Department and the Basque Architects Chamber.

He established his own practice in 2003 and since then he has collaborated with several international firms in the fields of urban and landscape design, architecture and ecotechnologies; Arup and Foster+Partners among others.

His work was selected for the Very Young Spanish Architects exhibit and has been awarded several prizes such as Europan10. Despite of his young age, he has been in charge of the design direction and team management of the project Orona Ideo in San Sebastian, a very innovative project composed by several buildings with very demanding features.

His fields are NZEB & green building design, integrated sustainability solutions and urban transformation projects where applied innovation and best design are key to create forward thinking spaces.

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Archifest 2017
to Oct 15

Archifest 2017

Initiated by the Singapore Institute of Architects in 2007, Archifest is an annual festival for the city to celebrate architecture and the built environment. Celebrating its 10th edition this year, Archifest is a platform for all walks of life to discuss, debate and deliberate architectural issues. Participants will find themselves engaging in uninhibited dialogues, creative collaborations and a constant exchange of ideas. Archifest aims to provide an opportunity to breed a vibrant design culture and consequently a design conscious society, by encouraging and guiding the public and design professionals of all fields to interact in a fun and free atmosphere. 

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BEX Asia
to Sep 14

BEX Asia

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BEX Asia is strongly endorsed by the Building and Construction Authority of Singapore, Singapore Green Building Council and many other reputed industry partners.

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