culture of experiment
less fixated on meeting specifications and allow for experimentation
visualization is critical for buy in by stake holders
virtual Singapore model level of detail 2
with virtual model, prediction of future environment
Computer aided urban design - CFD, solar analysis etc
Retrofit mature estate e.g. Yuhua estate solar panels location, ingress/ egress traffic planning
Validation of design with real time feedback with sensors, AI
smart nation sensor platform - sensors, middle ware, API gateway, platforms, applications
analaytrics, data science, video processing
flood sensors, leak detection, smart lamp post - pervasive so good choice, cameras
Camera sensors : Evolving tech - swarm logic, privacy - locally processed, only meta data is sent
Integrated environment sensor - NEA
Indoor integrated smart estate and building ops - JTC central management of FM
vision city brain - national OS for 100 million sensors
Telehealth, mobility as service, telecommunting, schools as service, crowd source life saving
schools with no physical building?